


Name } Pippa
{ Previously }
{ Future }

Gender } Female
Sexuality } Heterosexual
Age } 30 moons
Faction } Rouge
{ Previously } Dusk Syndicate 
Rank } Rouge
{ Previously } Healer
Breed }

Fun Facts }

  1. Was actually trained as a fighter, but chose the rank healer

Name Origin } Pippa– Her given name
Creation Date }

Base Coat } White, tan and cream
Markings } she has some caramel stripes in a few places
Fur Description } Medium length and soft, smooth and well-groomed
Eyes } Electric Blue
​{ Scars } None
Distinctive Features }


 Strengths || Weaknesses

→Pippa is a very go-lucky molly. She rushes into things without a thought, thinking everything will be alright. She is easy to talk into things because she believes everything will end well. Pippa is fun loving. She loves to play, though she can easily be distracted from it. Pippa also tends to notice the small things in life, though she keeps quiet about them. Oh, and if you didn’t notice anything, guess what? Pippa did. She is often there, standing away from everyone else, listening to everything she can here. No, she doesn’t stick to the shadows. It’s just she doesn’t appreciate attention. No spotlight for her. Pippa watches. Pippa listens. Pippa waits. Pippa is not a drama queen. She is exceedingly modest, she is only extremely openly positive with cats she knows well. Cats she doesn’t know well, she will still go up to and have a positive conversation with them, but prefers to stick to the sidelines.

Mental State }
Phobias }
Psychiatric Disorder }




inactive // dead
Apprentice }
{ Former }
{ Future }
Mentor }
{ Former }
{ Future }
Love Interests }
Horseradish | Former | Thoughts On
Valentine | Former | Former Mate, Misses

Best Friends }

Friends }

Kovu | Hasn’t seen in a while
Nightmare| Friendly Rivalry, Gets along well with

Acquaintances }

Darkrose | Met
Unnamed | Met

Enemies }

Nemesis }

inactive // dead
​{ Parents }

Siblings }

Nieces/Nephews }

Mate }

Valentine| Former, Missing | Misses, Loves, Frusturated with, Wishes he had a better relationship with Miracle

Offspring }
Miracle | Biological | Loves, Protective of

— Mother’s Side —

Grandparents }

Aunts/Uncles }

Cousins }

— Father’s Side —

Grandparents }

Aunts/Uncles }

Cousins }

— In-Laws —

Parents-In-Law }

Siblings-In-Law }